Item Profile Interface

Item Info Panel

  1. Item Name - Displays the item's name and can be used to jump to that item's profile.
  2. Posted Date - Displays the date the item was posted on.
  3. Report - Use this button to report an item with content that violates any of our posting rules.
  4. Manage - Use this button to jump to the item's option page.
  5. Likebar - Displays the like and dislike counts for the item.
  6. Like - Use this button to like the item.
  7. Dislike - Use this button to dislike the item.
  8. Favorite - Use this button to add this item to your favorites.
  9. Share - This button will take you to the share page which has several options to share the item.
  10. Default Image - This area shows the default image and can be used to jump to the item's profile.
  11. Views - Displays the number of views for the item.
  12. Comments - Displays the number of comments for the item and can be used to jump to the item's comments page.
  13. Specs - Displays the number of specs for the item and can be used to jump to the item's specs page.
  14. Images - Displays the number of images for the item and can be used to jump to the item's images page.
  15. Notes - Displays the number of notes for the item and can be used to jump to the notes page.
  16. Favorites - Displays the number of times this item has been favorited.
  17. Description - Displays the item's description.



  1. Images - This section displays several of the item's images. You can also view more of the item's images by clicking the View All link.
  2. Specs - This section displays several of the item's specs. You can also view more of the item's specs by clicking the View All link.
  3. Notes - This section displays several of the item's notes. You can also view more of the item's note by clicking the View All link.
  4. Comments - This section displays several of the item's comments. You can also view more of the item's comments by clicking the View All link.
  5. Awards - This section displays the item's awards.
  6. More Items - This section displays several other item's from the same user. You can jump to the item's profile by click on the item's image or name link.
